Surgery in the symphyseal region of the mandible, prior to the fabrication of an implant-retained overdenture, may seem simple and without risk, even when one is aware of the major obstacle in the region, which is the mental foramen. It requires, however, meticulous and precise attention. Indeed, the angles of emergence and the implant axes must be carefully established during the pre-implant study of feasibility. This is done through the fabrication of a radiographic guide made from a transparent resin model of the complete denture currently in use. The operator makes the definitive implant choices on the basis of the modified radiographic guide. The practitioner has the choice between the two-stage surgical procedure or one stage surgical procedure, which is more comfortable for the patient. Under these conditions, this surgery has few operative consequences, aside from the rare complications described in this study. Two clinical cases illustrate the therapeutic approach.
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- Publié le . Paru dans Réalités Cliniques n°2 - 17 juin 2003 (page 187)

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